Thursday, August 12, 2010

Making Changes...STay Tuned!

Hey everyone,
Just a quick update....I know I have not been the "model blogger" but I am trying to make some changes and figure out how to work everything on here. This blog was supposed to be more about my life with a few rants in between but it did not get started that way so I am reinventing it....please stay tuned & if anyone has any help on how to add picture collages to the top of the page or any small helpful hints I would appreciate it because apparently I am not very good at figuring this out....ha easy to use my butt!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

ROAD BLOCK...UGH!! Nike Women's Marathon Training!

Hi y'all,
I have been really, really, (did I mention really already?) struggling with my training for the Nike Women's Marathon coming up in October and I just feel as though I have reached this road block I can not push through....HELP! I have mostly been training indoors (which always sucks) because it has been so frickin' hot out but I just feel like even indoors I am struggling even more than normal...ugh I am so frustrated. On top of that it does not help that every time I tell someone I am training for the Nike Women's marathon in San Francisco their eyes grow huge & they say, "WOW with those hills...good luck," ha geeee thanks for making me feel even more like it will be a disaster.....anyways I was looking so forward to this marathon because for one it is in San Fran & I HAVE NEVER BEEN & for two the finishers metal is a Tiffany & Co. custom necklace & for those that know me know that I am a Tiffanyaholic so this sucker was made for me but with all the negative crap going on in my head I don't know how to push forward. I know that they say training is harder than the actual race but crap what do you do when you have two more months of the crazy training? I know I probably sound like a whining baby to most & I don't want to believe me but nothing is working. I have added new music to my Ipod, I get lots of encouragement & pep talks from my hubbs, and nothing seems to work & at the end of the day I start questioning whether I am a runner or should I pick a new sport lol. Have you all ever experienced this? Am I nuts? What do I do about it? Any help is much appreciated!! :)